How to avoid costly claims for your business?

How to avoid costly claims for your business?

May 2024 - Being held liable after a workplace accident or having to pay a hefty compensation claim? For business owners, it is their worst nightmare. With these tips, you can protect yourself to the max.

1.   Clear general terms and conditions

Companies can be held liable not only by their employees, but also by their customers or suppliers. So make sure you have watertight general terms and conditions on your website, in brochures, offers and contracts. They provide a clear framework when entering into collaborations and/or relationships.

2.   Safe and healthy workplace

Industrial accidents often lead to compensation claims where the employer is liable. It is a legal requirement to provide a safe and healthy workplace. So provide professional tools and clear instructions in and around the workplace.


3.   Safe transport during working hours

If one of your employees has an accident during working hours, the employer is usually liable. This also includes company outings, external meetings and courses. Safety comes first. Only during commuting is the employer not liable.

4.   Optimal insurance coverage

Chances are, sooner or later, you will have to deal with an industrial accident. Proper coverage by an insurer can save you a lot of misery and money. Ordinary liability insurance is usually not enough because they do not cover personal injury. So additional insurance is definitely in order, especially if you are an employer in a sector where the risk of workplace accidents is high (such as construction, transport, and so on).